CCNR Terminology
Last updated: 29.04.2024
- package
- packaged petroleum
- packaging
- packer
- packing group
- pagers
- pallet
- paramagnetic
- particulate suspensions in air
- partly closed sampling device
- parts per million
- pellistor
- permit to work
- Permit to Work form
- peroxides
- personal flotation devices
- personal monitor
- personal protective equipment
- phenolic resins
- pig
- pig receiver
- pigging operation
- pilot-operated relief valves
- pin
- pipes for loading or unloading (cargo piping)
- piping system
- piston rod
- plate lifters
- plume
- plywood
- polar solvent
- polymerisation
- polymers
- polypropylene ropes
- polyurethane
- polyvinyl chloride
- Portable Fire Extinguisher
- portable tank
- possibility of a sampling connection
- possibility of cargo heating
- potassium
- Powered Emergency Release Coupling
- pressure drum
- pressure gauge
- Pressure Law
- pressure receptacle
- pressure relief device
- pressure relief system
- pressure relief valves
- pressure tank
- pressures
- pressurised tanks
- pressurized gas cartridge
- primary barrier
- primary power
- prismatic tank
- product gas
- product vapour
- propane
- propylène
- propylene oxide
- protected area
- protected IBC( for metal IBCs)
- protective clothing
- protective gloves
- protective goggles, protective masks
- protective shoes (or protective boots)
- protective suit
- pump glands
- pump seals
- pumprooms